I’m feeling so much gratitude this new year. Just returned from a camping adventure in Nevada and Arizona, in a mostly unheated RV. It was colder there than it was in Toronto. And, it rained for 5 days straight in the desert. But, it was still wondrous. I was grateful for walks in the rain and breathing in the fresh desert air. For being with family and eating good food. For the fact that we could afford to go on a trip like this and that we had a village to take care of our sick dog while we were away (thank you team Nemo).

As I get older I feel as if I’m peeling back the layers of living to get to the original me. The true spark that I am and was as a child. I grow a deeper reverence for this spark with each year that passes. I see it in my children. I know how important it is to become familiar with and shine our lights, and how doing this can illuminate others and give them permission to shine theirs.

Some people may call 2020 the year of hindsight, but I’m choosing to see it as the year of HEART SIGHT: clarity, vision, SEEING THROUGH MY HEART.

I’m excited for all the things that I have planned for this year (stay tuned) and for all the things that will surprise and delight me. I’m excited to see my kids grow and learn from them. I’m excited for deepening my artistic practice and for making art for people that remind them of the truest most beautiful parts of themselves and of the LOVE they have in their lives. I’m excited to collaborate with others who are committed to their own evolution and who use their own expansion to make the world better. THIS.
In spite of the darkness in the world right now we can choose to see the light and use our lights to brighten the path.

Wishing you all a wonderful year and the courage and clarity to shine your beautiful lights.