by Melanie | Jun 19, 2017 | art, creative process, creativity, dance, Imagination Sessions, Photography
Creativity is something I care deeply about and have been investigating in practice for my whole life. Leading up to launching Imagination Sessions I began to talk to adults who consider themselves not creative to see if I could tease out why some people identify with...
by Melanie | Jun 12, 2017 | creative process, creativity, dance, Photography, theatre
I’ve always been a positive and optimistic person. I am hopeful and adventurous and expect the best from people. I owe this to my parents, who raised me to trust the world and people around me. I am incredibly grateful to have had a happy and safe childhood. I see my...
by Melanie | Jun 2, 2017 | behind the scenes, creative process, creativity, dance, music, Photography, school, theatre
My daughter’s school had their school show last week, called “Imagine a World”, and I got to photograph it. It was a musical featuring Beatles songs, and it was AMAZING. This school is a true community, where people work together to make a difference and to make art,...
by Melanie | Apr 29, 2017 | creativity, dance, love, Photography
I had the opportunity last week to photograph dancer Caroline Niklas-Gordon’s rehearsal of a piece she is working on with her 5 year old daughter. It’s called Rock. Paper. Scissors. and it’s gorgeous. I feel deeply about the importance and beauty of...
by Melanie | May 5, 2016 | art, creativity, Photography
Looking at this picture of a tree on a hill without any other spatial reference, how do you know it is a tree on the hill? Do you assume that trees grow straight up toward the sun? Why? What makes us any different? I’m in San Francisco today for a retreat. Every time...